Showing posts from November, 2023

Mosquito Repellents: What Works

From zappers to catchers to candles to sprays, mosquito repellents come in many forms. But which ones work?

7 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster

What should you do – or not do – to help increase your chances of getting pregnant ASAP? Read on for seven WebMD exper…

The Truth About Holiday Weight Gain

In reality, most people don't gain a lot between Thanksgiving and New Year's. But just an extra pound gained e…

My Life With Geographic Atrophy

From diagnosis to management, one woman shares her story about living with geographic atrophy.

Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor

Five ways to advocate for yourself and become responsibly selfish when you have HER2-postiive breast cancer

Facing Unpredictable Days

A person with myasthenia gravis shares how to manage the unpredictable symptoms of MG and keep a positive outlook.

How to Manage Your Triggers

Managing triggers is key to living well with myasthenia gravis. Learn the common triggers for MG and how to avoid or m…

What Everyday Life Is Like With MG

What’s it like to live with myasthenia gravis? A person with the condition takes you through a typical day in their li…

Make Your Treatment Work for You

Learn tips and strategies from an expert for what to expect when you have myasthenia gravis and how to make the most o…

8 Things You Didn't Know About Your Penis

Medical experts reveal interesting facts about the penis that men and women will find educational -- and surprising.��…

Why Am I Always So Tired?

WebMD explains conditions that might cause you to feel sluggish during the day, such as anemia, thyroid trouble, sleep…

How to Practice Gratitude

Building a gratitude practice can be a rewarding daily habit. Learn how to do it and what the benefits are.

Talking About B-Cell Therapy for Your MS

How people with multiple sclerosis should arrange support from friends, family, and work before starting B-cell therap…

How B-Cell Therapy Affects MS

B-cell therapy treats MS by targeting cells that can damage nerves in your brain and spinal cord. Learn more about thi…

How Crohn’s Affects My Relationships

Crohn's and relationships: How to stay connected and get support. Learn how Crohn's disease can affect interac…

Managing Menstrual Migraine

Menstrual migraine is when you get a headache during your period. Learn why this happens and how to manage it.

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