Showing posts from January, 2024

How I Got Control Over Chronic Migraine

To control chronic migraine headaches, you might need medication, lifestyle changes, and an attitude adjustment. Learn…

Why DMARDs Take Time to Work for RA

How long does it take DMARDs to work for RA? Learn why it can take some time for rheumatoid arthritis medication to be…

Living With MS: Tips for Young Women

MS typically arises in women in the first half of their adult lives. Learn how some women balance career, family plann…

Finding Support for Geographic Atrophy

Family, friends, and support groups can help you adapt to life with geographic atrophy (GA). Find out where to find th…

Heart Failure: What I Wish I'd Known

A single mom shares how she came back from a coma and heart failure diagnosis, and turned her health around with diet,…

The Good Bugs

Looking to prevent or treat diarrhea? Kick your digestive tract into gear with the good probiotics found in yogurt.���…

Self-Care With Endometriosis

Endometriosis starts when cells that are like the ones that line your womb grow outside of it. It can affect many othe…

Fitting MS Into Your Schedule

Get tips on how to manage your MS symptoms and keep up with a busy routine at work, school, or home.

Expert Q&A: Losing the Baby Weight

For expert advice on how to lose baby weight the healthy way, WebMD turned to Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD; a dietitian; aut…

Learning to Live With Chronic Migraine

Living with chronic migraine can be challenging. Find out how one man learned the power of talking to others about chr…

What’s Next for Bipolar Treatment?

New treatments for bipolar disorder are on the horizon. Here’s a look at some of the latest advances, as well as exper…

Talking With Your Child About CPP

Going through puberty early can make kids confused or embarrassed. Learn how you can talk your child through this tryi…

Life With Insulin Injections

Treating your type 2 diabetes with insulin? Learn the ins and outs of giving yourself daily injections.

Talking to Your Kids

If you have ADPKD, it's important for your children to know what to expect. Learn how to have those conversations.…

Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor

Five ways to advocate for yourself and become responsibly selfish when you have HER2-postiive breast cancer.

Treating Flu at Home: 10 Natural Remedies

Simple home remedies can be all you need to relieve mild to moderate flu symptoms. Try these 10 natural remedies for f…

Spotlight On: Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis issues: health disparities, quality of life, stigma, gender issues, and treatment access.

Navigating the Kidney Transplant Process

Getting a kidney transplant: How long it takes, how to get on the kidney donor list, and what happens during and after…

How Clean Is Your House?

If the words "clean house" are always on your to-do list, here's help.

Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

To avoid colds, flu, and other illnesses, you have to know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting and how to…

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